Striaght Up Skinny Chocolate

I know I've been sharing my puppy chow and peanut butter cup recipes a lot but I honestly don't make them that often.  They do take more time and are more of a treat.  Usually I have a pan or two of just pure skinny chocolate in the freezer and I munch on it all day. I put it in smoothies but mostly just break off chunks and munch on it throughout the day... every day. 

I keep it in the freezer because I like that crisp, chocolate bar like, feel when I bite into it.  Also love it being cold; not sure why.  After it's froze solid in the freezer you can move it to the fridge.  There it softens up and tastes just as good; it's more a personal preference on consistency and texture than taste.  Can't leave it out at room temp though because the coconut oil melts.  Also note this WILL melt in your hand!  Eat it quick or use a napkin to hold larger chunks. 

What you need:
  • Natural peanut butter
  • High quality coconut oil
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Stevia granulated sweetener
  • Wax paper
  • Cookie sheet
  • Enough room in your freezer for the cookie sheet!
  • Large glass bowl that fits in your microwave

Measurements of Ingredients

  • 1/2 c. coconut oil
  • 1/4 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 c. natural peanut butter, unsweetened
  • 4 1/2 Tbsp of stevia

First setup your cookie sheet with wax paper on it. You'll be glad it's ready ahead of time.

Put it all ingredients in a large glass bowl and microwave it for about 30 seconds. It won't look like it's all melted but stir it up. I was surprised how it all melted and mixed together after only 30 seconds. May take more time if your microwave isn't that powerful. Just do 30 or less seconds at a time so you don't burn anything.

After you have it all mixed up simply pour into cookie sheet.  May need to press down the corners.  Depends on the size of your cookie sheet but sometimes I have to make a double batch to fill the large ones.  We have these smaller ones that are perfect for a single batch.  You'll know after you do it a few times which pan works right or how much you need.  

 Toss it in the freezer and in less than 30 min it should be solid and ready to eat! I just eat it right off the pan keeping it in the freezer. This won't last long though... I can hear my wife now ... "how long you going to keep that ugly pan in the freezer like that?" =) Once it's solid just bust it up and put it in whatever dish you want. Again you can keep it in the freezer or move to fridge.  

If you don't mind having natural, real, sugar then use your favorite honey as the sweetener.  It really gives you a much smoother (no grainy stevia) chocolate and the honey flavor with the chocolate and peanut butter is divine!   About a tablespoon is a good place to start.  I love things sweet so I add more but start there and see what you like.  Be sure to mix it very well as the honey has a tendency to pool up and settle.  Stir as you pour even! 

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